Parking in Peratallada

Peratallada is one of the most visited tourist centers in Costa Brava. To preserve the heritage values ??of the medieval complex, the quality of the visit and the quality of life of the residents, the Forallac City Council restricts vehicle access to the interior of the center and has enabled three large parking spaces with total capacity for 440 places.

Since 2021, during the busiest period, these car parks are regulated by a blue zone. The management of this municipal service with time regulation was put out to tender by public tender and the current winner is Grup MIFAS


Where are located the parking lots

1) Aparcament de Dalt
Located at the west end, it has two well-differentiated parking areas. The first, with a surface area of ??1,640 m2, has 24 spaces, is paved and delimited with road markings on the pavement. It is mainly used for residents (20 places), people with reduced mobility (4 places) and motorcycles. The second area has an area of ??4,214 m2 with capacity for 175 vehicles.

2) Aparcament de l’Església

It is located right in front of the Romanesque church of Sant Esteve and has direct access via the Gi-651 road. It is paved with colored concrete and perfectly marked. It has an area of ??1,187 m2 and has 40 parking spaces.

3) Aparcament de Baix

Located at the eastern end, next to the Sant Feliu de Boada path, it is perfectly delimited and organized. Its surface area is 7,884m2 and it has capacity for 200 vehicles. It also has an area for parking coaches, vans and caravans.



Reserved parking areas for authorized residents

20 parking spaces have been marked in the paved part of the Dalt parking lot, 3 in the Church parking lot and 5 in the Baix parking lot, which will be reserved for authorized residents.

Reserved parking areas for people with reduced mobility

Parking card holders for people with reduced mobility have reserved spaces available for use at:

Aparcament de Dalt - reserved areas for people with reduced mobility: 4
Aparcament de l'Església - reserved areas for people with reduced mobility: 1 
Aparcament de Baix - reserved areas for people with reduced mobility: 5 
Next to l’Arbreda - resreved areas for people with reduced mobility: 2 

Public toilets

The following car parks have toilets: aparcament de dalt and aparcament de baix


Calendar and shedule 2024

From 28th to 1rst april 

From 14th to 15th of september (from monday to sunday) 

The 5th and 6th of october

From 9 a.m. to 10.30 pm



                   30 minutes           Free

Mínimum   60 minutes            1,50 euros

                   120 minutes         2,50 euros

                   180 minutes         3 euros

Màximum      13 hours            6 euros

Cancellation cost of sanction 10 euros

Time for cancel the sanction: 24 h





  • Podran estacionar sense necessitat d’obtenir el preceptiu comprovant horari els:
  • Els vehicles que formin part del padró de l’Impost municipal sobre circulació de vehicles a motor.
  • Els residents de Peratallada.
  • Les persones que estiguin prestant els seus serveis professionals en centres de treball situats al nucli de Peratallada.
  • Els visitants que pernoctin en els hotels, fondes, pensions i habitatges d’ús turístic que es situïn en el nucli  de Peratallada.


Informació per presentar al·legacions

Es poden presentar al·legacions contra les denúncies expedides pels vigilants per infracció a la zona blava  a través de la pàgina web de XALOC .


* Si es presenten al·legacions a la multa, es renuncia a la reducció del 50 % en l'import de la sanció.